Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of people through force, fraud, or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit.
49.6 Million
35% of them are children.
71% of trafficking victims globally are women and girls.
29% are men and boys.
people were trapped in modern slavery in 2021
$150 Billion
is the value of the human trafficking industry
Around 99 billion of this stems from commercial sexual exploitation.
51 billion originates from forced economic exploitation in sectors such as: domestic work, agriculture, and other economic activities.
Exploitation can take place in a victim's home country, during migration, or in a foreign country.
When a person younger than 18 is used to perform a commercial sex act, it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion involved
Men, women, and children of all ages and from all backgrounds can become victims of this crime, which occurs in every region of the world.
Asia and the Pacific are host to more than half of the global total (15.1 million), followed by Europe and Central Asia (4.1million), Africa (3.8 million), the Americas (3.6 million)
Detected victims by form of exploitation

Sexual Exploitation
38.7% were forced into prostitution or other sexual activities.

Forced Labor
In 2021, 27.6 million individuals were subjected to forced labor.

Illegal Adoption
0.3% of victims were sold for illegal adoption.
In the year 2021, 27.6 million individuals were subjected to forced labor

Forced Marriage
In 2021, 22 million were reported to be living in forced marriages.

Domestic Servitude
Domestic work represents 17% of forced labor exploitation for women, compared to just 4% for men.

Child Soldiers
Between 2005 and 2022, over 105,000 children were recruited, although the actual number is believed to be much higher.

Organs removal
0.2% of victims were trafficked for the purpose of organ removal.

Exploitative begging
0.7% of victims were forced to beg for money, which was controlled and collected by the traffickers.
What about in the US?
Sex trafficking is the most common type of trafficking in the U.S.
There are more trafficking points of sale in America than there are Starbucks.
Child sex trafficking has been reported in all 50 U.S. states
Human trafficking is the second most profitable illegal industry in the U.S